Hyeronimus Bosch - Estrazione della pietra della follia (1494 circa) olio su tavola, Madrid, Museo del Prado

Legal consultancy, with lawyers of peace

The Negozio Giuridico® is the brainchild of Genoa lawyer Dr. Chiara Romeo, and opened in April 2005 as the first initiative of its kind in Italy. It is based upon a view of the practice of law that emphasizes its preventive and conciliatory possibilities rather than its litigious aspects.

At the Negozio Giuridico, you will find lawyers who offer a fresh new outlook that privileges the safeguard of relations between people and the swift resolution of problems, and a wide range of legal services, from consultancy to extrajudicial mediation.
The Negozio is aimed both at those who simply wish to have a legal doubt cleared, or who are looking for preliminary first guidance towards the solution of more complex matters, and those who require the qualified assistance of an attorney to settle an issue: easy access and a distinct lack of formalities encourage those who would like to consult a lawyer but do not know one, fear excessive and unchecked expenses, or are simply unable to make an appointment.

A fitting analogy to explain the Negozio Giuridico® is that of the physician: a lawyer too deals with pathologies, in the areas of contract, family, property relations and so on; and, much as a doctor, so the lawyer should be consulted before anything serious happens, because prevention is invariably better than protracted cures.
The Negozio is therefore a sort of legal doctor’s office, where a “family doctor” can provide advice, as a prescription for the remedy that can make all the difference; or assist the client in resolving disputes that need not lead to the courts, in “para-judicial” proceedings or non-litigious jurisdictions (e.g. appeals to the family court judge, acceptance of an inheritance, retrieval of legal documents or records, the correction of credit reports, consensual divorces, that do not require filing a suit. Should, however, recourse to the courts become necessary, the lawyer at the Negozio will refer you to a “surgeon” attorney, and offer a list of qualified professionals who are financially independent of the Negozio.

That is, the Negozio Giuridico lawyer – as a consultant and as a professional – will always strive towards an exclusively out-of-court solution based on negotiations and without recourse to a judge. Should such attempts fail, he will be unable to represent the client in court, in order to guarantee that his consultancy and assistance are truly independent, as well as to further embody the non-litigious perspective of his profession that all lawyers who are part of our project share.

All this, for a reasonable fee, clearly predetermined in a price list based upon the professional fixed rates of remuneration.